Bill to Give D.C. Full House Vote Advances
HUGE victory in the House today! As reported today by The Washigton Post, Washington D.C. has won the first round in the fight for full voting rights in Congress! A bill passed 24 to 5 yesterday that would give DC a voice in the House of Representatives. Way to Go Elenore!!! (pictured left just before she got up on the table, spiked the ball and did the 'In Your Face Biotch!!' dance.)
For my foreign friends who are saying "Who the hell cares about this why are we reading this idiotic post?" Here's why:
Residents of DC have been getting the SHAFT by the US for decades. Currently, those that live in DC do not have full citizenship rights. YES you read that correctly. Uncle Sam taxes DC residents a state tax (at 10 friggin percent!) and yet what is the inalienable right of every US citizen is to have a representative voice in Congress is DENIED to those that live in our Nation's capital. I call BULLSHIT on that one.

Many residents took exception to the opposition's tactics for communicating their position by posting a symbol of their feelings at all entry points to the city - photo capture to the right.
Eleanor Holmes Norton (a Delegate to the House, not a full Representative) has fought for this measure like a rabid animal since the beginning of her service. Loosing time and time again as a previously Republican-controlled Congress blocked the bills because everyone knows DC votes Democrat.
In a move to try and prove Dem's are illiterate idiots a rider was attached to the Bill that said although DC would get a vote in the House, they would never get a vote in the Senate. The Dem's responded with the blow "I know you are but what am I?" ZING!
So we shall see what actually comes of this, but for now way to go Ellie! Here's a link to the full article
By the way - had to just say my Dad had a brilliant comment that according to the article they're vote swapping DC with Utah. So basically we're trading Marion Barry (of the famed crack induced 'Bitch set me up' speech) with Bigamists. God Bless America.
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